- 1. Introduction
- 2. Release Notes
- 3. Getting Started
- 4. CUDA-GDB Extensions
- 5. Kernel Focus
- 6. Program Execution
- 7. Breakpoints and Watchpoints
- 8. Inspecting Program State
- 9. Event Notifications
- 10. Automatic Error Checking
- 11. Walk-Through Examples
12. Tips and Tricks
- 12.1. set cuda break_on_launch
- 12.2. set cuda launch_blocking
- 12.3. set cuda notify
- 12.4. set cuda ptx_cache
- 12.5. set cuda single_stepping_optimizations
- 12.6. set cuda thread_selection
- 12.7. set cuda value_extrapolation
- 12.8. Debugging Docker Containers
- 12.9. Switching to Classic Debugger Backend
- 12.10. Thread Block Clusters
- 12.11. Debugging OptiX/RTCore applications
- 12.12. Debugging on Windows Subsystem for Linux
- 12.13. Accessing unmanaged device memory from host thread
- 13. Supported Platforms
- 14. Common Issues on Supported Operating Systems
- 15. Known Issues
- 16. Notices