5. Data Fields
Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- cases
- CUDBGEvent
- clearAttachState
- cudbgGetAPI
- context
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelReady_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextCreate_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextDestroy_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelFinished_st
- CUDBGGridInfo
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::elfImageLoaded_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextPop_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextPush_st
- contextCreate
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st
- contextDestroy
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st
- contextPop
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st
- contextPush
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st
- dev
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::elfImageLoaded_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelReady_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextPush_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextDestroy_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextCreate_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextPop_st
- CUDBGGridInfo
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelFinished_st
- disassemble
- cudbgGetAPI
- elfImageLoaded
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st
- errorType
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::internalError_st
- finalize
- cudbgGetAPI
- function
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelReady_st
- CUDBGGridInfo
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelFinished_st
- functionEntry
- CUDBGGridInfo
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelReady_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelFinished_st
- generateCoredump
- cudbgGetAPI
- getAdjustedCodeAddress
- cudbgGetAPI
- getBlockDim
- cudbgGetAPI
- getClusterDim
- cudbgGetAPI
- getClusterDim120
- cudbgGetAPI
- getClusterExceptionTargetBlock
- cudbgGetAPI
- getConstBankAddress
- cudbgGetAPI
- getConstBankAddress123
- cudbgGetAPI
- getDeviceName
- cudbgGetAPI
- getDevicePCIBusInfo
- cudbgGetAPI
- getDeviceType
- cudbgGetAPI
- getElfImage
- cudbgGetAPI
- getElfImage32
- cudbgGetAPI
- getElfImageByHandle
- cudbgGetAPI
- getErrorStringEx
- cudbgGetAPI
- getGridAttribute
- cudbgGetAPI
- getGridAttributes
- cudbgGetAPI
- getGridDim
- cudbgGetAPI
- getGridDim32
- cudbgGetAPI
- getGridInfo
- cudbgGetAPI
- getGridInfo120
- cudbgGetAPI
- getGridInfo55
- cudbgGetAPI
- getGridStatus
- cudbgGetAPI
- getGridStatus50
- cudbgGetAPI
- getHostAddrFromDeviceAddr
- cudbgGetAPI
- getLoadedFunctionInfo
- cudbgGetAPI
- getLoadedFunctionInfo118
- cudbgGetAPI
- getManagedMemoryRegionInfo
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNextAsyncEvent50
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNextAsyncEvent55
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNextEvent
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNextEvent30
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNextEvent32
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNextEvent42
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNextSyncEvent50
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNextSyncEvent55
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNumDevices
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNumLanes
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNumPredicates
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNumRegisters
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNumSMs
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNumUniformPredicates
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNumUniformRegisters
- cudbgGetAPI
- getNumWarps
- cudbgGetAPI
- getPhysicalRegister30
- cudbgGetAPI
- getPhysicalRegister40
- cudbgGetAPI
- getSmType
- cudbgGetAPI
- getSupportedDebuggerCapabilities
- cudbgGetAPI
- getTID
- cudbgGetAPI
- gridDim
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelReady_st
- CUDBGGridInfo
- gridId
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelReady_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelFinished_st
- gridId64
- CUDBGGridInfo
- initialize
- cudbgGetAPI
- initializeAttachStub
- cudbgGetAPI
- internalError
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st
- isDeviceCodeAddress
- cudbgGetAPI
- isDeviceCodeAddress55
- cudbgGetAPI
- kernelFinished
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st
- kernelReady
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st
- kind
- CUDBGEvent
- readActiveLanes
- cudbgGetAPI
- readAllVirtualReturnAddresses
- cudbgGetAPI
- readBlockIdx
- cudbgGetAPI
- readBlockIdx32
- cudbgGetAPI
- readBrokenWarps
- cudbgGetAPI
- readCallDepth
- cudbgGetAPI
- readCallDepth32
- cudbgGetAPI
- readCCRegister
- cudbgGetAPI
- readClusterIdx
- cudbgGetAPI
- readCodeMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- readConstMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- readDeviceExceptionState
- cudbgGetAPI
- readDeviceExceptionState80
- cudbgGetAPI
- readErrorPC
- cudbgGetAPI
- readGenericMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- readGlobalMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- readGlobalMemory31
- cudbgGetAPI
- readGlobalMemory55
- cudbgGetAPI
- readGridId
- cudbgGetAPI
- readGridId50
- cudbgGetAPI
- readLaneException
- cudbgGetAPI
- readLaneStatus
- cudbgGetAPI
- readLocalMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- readParamMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- readPC
- cudbgGetAPI
- readPinnedMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- readPredicates
- cudbgGetAPI
- readRegister
- cudbgGetAPI
- readRegisterRange
- cudbgGetAPI
- readReturnAddress
- cudbgGetAPI
- readReturnAddress32
- cudbgGetAPI
- readSharedMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- readSmException
- cudbgGetAPI
- readSyscallCallDepth
- cudbgGetAPI
- readTextureMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- readTextureMemoryBindless
- cudbgGetAPI
- readThreadIdx
- cudbgGetAPI
- readUniformPredicates
- cudbgGetAPI
- readUniformRegisterRange
- cudbgGetAPI
- readValidLanes
- cudbgGetAPI
- readValidWarps
- cudbgGetAPI
- readVirtualPC
- cudbgGetAPI
- readVirtualReturnAddress
- cudbgGetAPI
- readVirtualReturnAddress32
- cudbgGetAPI
- readWarpResources
- cudbgGetAPI
- readWarpState
- cudbgGetAPI
- readWarpState120
- cudbgGetAPI
- readWarpState60
- cudbgGetAPI
- requestCleanupOnDetach
- cudbgGetAPI
- requestCleanupOnDetach55
- cudbgGetAPI
- resumeDevice
- cudbgGetAPI
- resumeWarpsUntilPC
- cudbgGetAPI
- setBreakpoint
- cudbgGetAPI
- setBreakpoint31
- cudbgGetAPI
- setKernelLaunchNotificationMode
- cudbgGetAPI
- setNotifyNewEventCallback
- cudbgGetAPI
- setNotifyNewEventCallback31
- cudbgGetAPI
- setNotifyNewEventCallback40
- cudbgGetAPI
- singleStepWarp
- cudbgGetAPI
- singleStepWarp40
- cudbgGetAPI
- singleStepWarp41
- cudbgGetAPI
- size
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::elfImageLoaded_st
- suspendDevice
- cudbgGetAPI
- tid
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelReady_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelFinished_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextPop_st
- CUDBGEventCallbackData
- CUDBGGridInfo
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextCreate_st
- CUDBGEventCallbackData40
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextDestroy_st
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::contextPush_st
- timeout
- CUDBGEventCallbackData
- type
- CUDBGEvent::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::CUDBGEvent::cases_st::kernelReady_st
- CUDBGGridInfo
- writeCCRegister
- cudbgGetAPI
- writeGenericMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- writeGlobalMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- writeGlobalMemory31
- cudbgGetAPI
- writeGlobalMemory55
- cudbgGetAPI
- writeLocalMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- writeParamMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- writePinnedMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- writePredicates
- cudbgGetAPI
- writeRegister
- cudbgGetAPI
- writeSharedMemory
- cudbgGetAPI
- writeUniformPredicates
- cudbgGetAPI
- writeUniformRegister
- cudbgGetAPI