7.33. CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2 Struct Reference

[Data types used by CUDA driver]

GPU kernel node parameters

Public Variables

unsigned int  blockDimX
unsigned int  blockDimY
unsigned int  blockDimZ
CUcontext ctx
CUfunction func
unsigned int  gridDimX
unsigned int  gridDimY
unsigned int  gridDimZ
CUkernel kern
unsigned int  sharedMemBytes


unsigned int CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::blockDimX [inherited]

X dimension of each thread block

unsigned int CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::blockDimY [inherited]

Y dimension of each thread block

unsigned int CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::blockDimZ [inherited]

Z dimension of each thread block

CUcontextCUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::ctx [inherited]

Context for the kernel task to run in. The value NULL will indicate the current context should be used by the api. This field is ignored if func is set.

* CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::extra [inherited]

Extra options

CUfunctionCUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::func [inherited]

Kernel to launch

unsigned int CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::gridDimX [inherited]

Width of grid in blocks

unsigned int CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::gridDimY [inherited]

Height of grid in blocks

unsigned int CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::gridDimZ [inherited]

Depth of grid in blocks

CUkernelCUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::kern [inherited]

Kernel to launch, will only be referenced if func is NULL

* CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::kernelParams [inherited]

Array of pointers to kernel parameters

unsigned int CUDA_KERNEL_NODE_PARAMS_v2::sharedMemBytes [inherited]

Dynamic shared-memory size per thread block in bytes