7.44. CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS_v2 Struct Reference

[Data types used by CUDA driver]

Memset node parameters

Public Variables

CUcontext ctx
CUdeviceptr dst
unsigned int  elementSize
size_t  height
size_t  pitch
unsigned int  value
size_t  width


CUcontextCUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS_v2::ctx [inherited]

Context on which to run the node

CUdeviceptrCUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS_v2::dst [inherited]

Destination device pointer

unsigned int CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS_v2::elementSize [inherited]

Size of each element in bytes. Must be 1, 2, or 4.

size_t CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS_v2::height [inherited]

Number of rows

size_t CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS_v2::pitch [inherited]

Pitch of destination device pointer. Unused if height is 1

unsigned int CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS_v2::value [inherited]

Value to be set

size_t CUDA_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS_v2::width [inherited]

Width of the row in elements