7.2. CUarrayMapInfo_v1 Struct Reference
[Data types used by CUDA driver]
Specifies the CUDA array or CUDA mipmapped array memory mapping information
Public Variables
- unsigned int deviceBitMask
- unsigned int extentDepth
- unsigned int extentHeight
- unsigned int extentWidth
- unsigned int flags
- unsigned int layer
- unsigned int level
- CUmemHandleType memHandleType
- CUmemOperationType memOperationType
- unsigned long long offset
- unsigned int offsetX
- unsigned int offsetY
- unsigned int offsetZ
- unsigned int reserved[2]
- CUresourcetype resourceType
- unsigned long long size
- CUarraySparseSubresourceType subresourceType
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::deviceBitMask [inherited]
Device ordinal bit mask
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::extentDepth [inherited]
Depth in elements
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::extentHeight [inherited]
Height in elements
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::extentWidth [inherited]
Width in elements
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::flags [inherited]
flags for future use, must be zero now.
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::layer [inherited]
For CUDA layered arrays must be a valid layer index. Otherwise, must be zero
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::level [inherited]
For CUDA mipmapped arrays must a valid mipmap level. For CUDA arrays must be zero
- CUmemHandleTypeCUarrayMapInfo_v1::memHandleType [inherited]
Memory handle type
- CUmemOperationTypeCUarrayMapInfo_v1::memOperationType [inherited]
Memory operation type
- unsigned long long CUarrayMapInfo_v1::offset [inherited]
Offset within mip tail
Offset within the memory
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::offsetX [inherited]
Starting X offset in elements
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::offsetY [inherited]
Starting Y offset in elements
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::offsetZ [inherited]
Starting Z offset in elements
- unsigned int CUarrayMapInfo_v1::reserved[2] [inherited]
Reserved for future use, must be zero now.
- CUresourcetypeCUarrayMapInfo_v1::resourceType [inherited]
Resource type
- unsigned long long CUarrayMapInfo_v1::size [inherited]
Extent in bytes
- CUarraySparseSubresourceTypeCUarrayMapInfo_v1::subresourceType [inherited]
Sparse subresource type