7.35. CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1 Struct Reference

[Data types used by CUDA driver]

Kernel launch parameters

Public Variables

unsigned int  blockDimX
unsigned int  blockDimY
unsigned int  blockDimZ
CUfunction function
unsigned int  gridDimX
unsigned int  gridDimY
unsigned int  gridDimZ
CUstream hStream
unsigned int  sharedMemBytes


unsigned int CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1::blockDimX [inherited]

X dimension of each thread block

unsigned int CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1::blockDimY [inherited]

Y dimension of each thread block

unsigned int CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1::blockDimZ [inherited]

Z dimension of each thread block

CUfunctionCUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1::function [inherited]

Kernel to launch

unsigned int CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1::gridDimX [inherited]

Width of grid in blocks

unsigned int CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1::gridDimY [inherited]

Height of grid in blocks

unsigned int CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1::gridDimZ [inherited]

Depth of grid in blocks

CUstreamCUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1::hStream [inherited]

Stream identifier

* CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1::kernelParams [inherited]

Array of pointers to kernel parameters

unsigned int CUDA_LAUNCH_PARAMS_v1::sharedMemBytes [inherited]

Dynamic shared-memory size per thread block in bytes