Gst-nvdspostprocess (Alpha)#

The Gst-nvdspostprocess plugin is a customizable plugin which provides a custom library interface for post processing on Tensor output of inference plugins (nvinfer/nvinferserver). Currently the plugin supports detection and classification models for parsing. The plugin connects to post processing lib provided as plugin parameter. The parsing parameters can be specified via a config file. Refer to section Gst-nvdspostprocess File Configuration Specifications below for more details.

For the plugin to perform parsing of inference tensor output, it is necessary to attach tensor output by setting output-tensor-meta as 1 in inference configuration file and disabling parsing in the inference plugin by setting network-type as 100 i.e. network type other. Similarly, in Gst-nvinferserver we can enable the following configs in the configuration file. output_control { output_tensor_meta : true } and to disable native post processing, update: infer_config { postprocess { other {} } }.

Default plugin implementation provides following functionalities.

  1. It parses the tensor meta attached to frame meta or object meta.

  2. Attaches the output of tensor parsing either to frame meta or object meta.

The default custom library (postprocesslib_impl) provided with the plugin implements these functionalities. It can be configured to parse detection and classification networks. For multiple inference plugins in pipeline require multiple post process plugin instances corresponding to them.


Inputs and Outputs#

  • Inputs

    • Input Video Gst Buffers

    • Metadata (NvDsBatchMeta)

    • Tensor Meta (NvDsInferTensorMeta)

  • Control parameters

    • postprocesslib-config-file

    • postprocesslib-name

    • gpu-id

  • Output

    • Output Video Gst Buffers

    • Original Metadata (NvDsBatchMeta) (with addition of Object Meta/Classifier Meta)


The following table summarizes the features of the plugin.

Gst-nvdspostprocess features#




Detection output parsing

Parses detector tensor data and attaches the results as object metadata

DS 6.1

Classification output parsing

Parses Classification tensor data and attaches the result as classifier attributes in metadata

DS 6.1

Yolo detector (YoloV3/V3-tiny/V2/V2-tiny) parsing

Support for parsing of Yolo detector output

DS 6.1

FasterRCNN output parsing

DS 6.1

Single Shot Detector (SSD) output parsing

DS 6.1

Gst-nvdspostprocess File Configuration Specifications#

The Gst-nvdspreprocess configuration file uses a “YAML” format Refer to examples like config_detector.yml, config_classifier_car_color.yml located at /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/sources/gst-plugins/gst-nvdspostprocess/. The property group configures the general behavior of the plugin. The class-attrs-all group configures parameters for all classes for detector post processor. The class-attrs-<id> group configures parameters <id> specific class for detector post processor.

The following two tables describes the keys supported for property groups and class-attrs-<id> groups respectively.

Gst-nvdspostprocess property Group Supported Keys#



Type and Range



GPU to be used for processing


gpu-id: 0


Mode of operation Full Frame (Primary 1) or on Object (Secondary 2)

Integer 1=Primary(On Full Frame) ,2=Secondary (On Object)

process-mode: 1


Perform tensor meta parsing on output of gie-unique-id

Integer >0

gie-unique-id: 1


Number of classes detected by Detector network

Integer >0

num-detected-classes: 4


Clustering mode to be used on detector output

Integer 1=DBSCAN 2=NMS 3=DBSCAN+NMS Hybrid 4=None(No Clustering)

cluster-mode: 2


Array of output layer names which are to be parsed

String delimited by semicolon

output-blob-names: conv2d_bbox;conv2d_cov/Sigmoid


Type of network to be parsed

Integer 0=Detector 1=Classifier

network-type: 1


Pathname of a text file containing the labels for the model


labelfile-path: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Primary_Detector/labels.txt


Minimum threshold label probability. The GIE outputs the label having the highest probability if it is greater than this threshold

Float, >0.0

classifier-threshold: 0.4


Unique ID of the GIE on whose metadata (bounding boxes) this GIE is to operate on, applicable for process-mode=2

Integer >0

operate-on-gie-id: 1


Name of the custom classifier output parsing function. If not specified, post process lib uses the parsing function for softmax layers.


parse-classifier-func-name: NvDsPostProcessClassiferParseCustomSoftmax


Name of the custom bounding box parsing function. If not specified, post process lib uses the function for the resnet model provided by the SDK


parse-bbox-func-name: NvDsPostProcessParseCustomResnet

Gst-nvdspostprocess class-attr-<id> Group Supported Keys#



Type and Range



Keep only top K objects with highest detection scores.

Integer, >0. -1 to disable

topk: 10


Maximum IOU score between two proposals after which the proposal with the lower confidence will be rejected.

Float, >0.0

nms-iou-threshold: 0.2


Detection threshold to be applied prior to clustering operation

Float, >0.0

pre-cluster-threshold: 0.5


Detection threshold to be applied post clustering operation

Float, >0.0

post-cluster-threshold: 0.5


Epsilon values for DBSCAN algorithm

Float, >0.0

eps: 0.2


Minimum sum of confidence of all the neighbors in a cluster for it to be considered a valid cluster.

Float, >0.0

dbscan-min-score: 0.7

Gst Properties#

The following table describes the Gst properties of the Gst-nvdspostprocess plugin.

Gst-nvspostprocess gst properties#



Type and Range

Example notes


Device ID of GPU to use for post-processing (dGPU only)




Low level Post process library to be used for output parsing




Set postprocess yaml config file to be used


postprocesslib-config-file= config_detector.yml

Sample pipelines#

Given below are some sample pipelines, please set appropriate configuration file and library paths.

For multi-stream detector and classifier (dGPU):

gst-launch-1.0 uridecodebin \
 uri=file:///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4 \
! m.sink_0 nvstreammux name=m width=1920 height=1080 batch-size=2   ! \
 nvinfer config-file-path=config_infer_primary_post_process.txt  \
! nvdspostprocess \
postprocesslib-config-file=config_detector.yml \
postprocesslib-name= ./postprocesslib_impl/ \
! queue ! nvinfer \
config-file-path= config_infer_secondary_vehiclemake_postprocess.txt \
! nvdspostprocess \
postprocesslib-config-file= config_classifier_vehicle_make.yml \
postprocesslib-name= ./postprocesslib_impl/ ! queue ! nvinfer \
config-file-path= config_infer_secondary_vehicletypes_postprocess.txt \
! nvdspostprocess  postprocesslib-config-file= \
config_classifier_vehicle_type.yml  postprocesslib-name= \
./postprocesslib_impl/    ! queue ! nvmultistreamtiler !  nvvideoconvert \
gpu-id=0 ! nvdsosd ! nveglglessink sync=1 -v  uridecodebin \
uri=file:///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4 ! m.sink_1

For multi-stream detector and classifier (Jetson):

gst-launch-1.0 uridecodebin \
 uri=file:///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4 \
! m.sink_0 nvstreammux name=m width=1920 height=1080 batch-size=2   ! \
nvinfer config-file-path=config_infer_primary_post_process.txt  \
! nvdspostprocess \
postprocesslib-config-file=config_detector.yml \
postprocesslib-name= ./postprocesslib_impl/ \
! queue ! nvinfer \
config-file-path= config_infer_secondary_vehiclemake_postprocess.txt \
! nvdspostprocess \
postprocesslib-config-file=config_classifier_vehicle_make.yml \
postprocesslib-name= ./postprocesslib_impl/ ! queue ! nvinfer \
config-file-path= config_infer_secondary_vehicletypes_postprocess.txt \
! nvdspostprocess  postprocesslib-config-file= \
config_classifier_vehicle_type.yml  postprocesslib-name= \
./postprocesslib_impl/ ! queue ! nvmultistreamtiler !  nvvideoconvert \
gpu-id=0 ! nvdsosd ! nv3dsink sync=1 -v  uridecodebin \
uri=file:///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4 ! m.sink_1